Maths forms part of paper 2, and combined with Non-Verbal Reasoning make up 50% of the overall mark. Maths is an integral part of the 11+ and is also evident in some of the verbal reasoning questions. The questions set in the Maths section of the test are far ranging, and pupils will need a sound knowledge in most, if not all, of the following:
1. Basic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
2. Decimals
3. Fractions
4. Primes, Factors and Multiples
5. Square numbers and Square roots
6. Money
7. Measurements
8. Averages
9. Percentages
10. Ratios
11. Probability
12. Proportion
13. Time
14. Angles
15. Shapes
16. Symmetry
17. Perimeter, Area and Volume
18. Geometry
19. Tables, Charts and Graphs
20. Algebra
Maths forms a vital part of the skills needed in the secondary transfer test (11+). As the 11 plus is a timed examination, being able to read a question, understand what you need to do, and coming to the correct answer quickly is essential to success. As such, having a sound understanding in all of the Maths concepts listed above will ensure that pupils are prepared for the test.
To find out how we could help your child as they prepare to take the 11 plus please contact us through the contact page on the website at headstart11plus.co.uk or direct via email at headstart11plus@yahoo.com.