Generally speaking the number of pupils passing the 11+ each year matches the number of spaces available at the grammar schools in Buckinghamshire. This equates to around 30% of pupils (including 4-5% of the spaces being allocated through successful appeal). Please see the graph below which illustrates the number of pupils who passed the Buckinghamshire 11+ (including those who sat the test from outside of the county).

If your child achieves a score of 121 or more then they are offered a place at a grammar school. Not all children who achieve 121 or higher take up a place at a grammar school. This frees up a space for someone to gain entry through the appeals process. Please see our previous article of the appeals process, which can be found on the blog section of our website, for more details.
For a more detailed breakdown of the number of pupils who pass please follow the link below, which will take you to the Bucks County Council Grammar School Entry Statistics page: https://www.buckscc.gov.uk/services/education/school-admissions/admissions-policies-consultations-and-statistics/grammar-school-entry-statistics/
To find out how we could help your child as they prepare to take the 11+ please contact us through the contact page on the website at headstart11plus.co.uk or direct via email at headstart11plus@yahoo.com.